Thursday 26 January 2012


On Tuesday evening Des gave us a mini project to be finished by Thursday evening. We only got one day in teh workshop for it. We had to take four photos of our interpretation of clutter and then from those four, pick one photo to print from, you could take a literal view on it or create your own interpretation of the photo using the different printing techniques we'd learned over the week.

I looked at clutter as stuff you don't need or want, shit thatgets in your way, things you hoard, stuff that just appears, stuff that comes accidnelty. I started looking at clutter on the streets, graffiti, derelict houses, construction work.

This was the photo I chose because the compsoition and colours stood out to me.

The following photos are prints from the above. I've plain etchings, colour blocks, the two finished ones and one with a black monoprint.

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