Sunday 15 January 2012


Tim Mara 'Stage and Television'
Well i missed the introduction lecture to print cause I was sick so I'm just taking a stab at the brief and I've done some contextual stuff over the weekend.  'Defining our Space' is the title, the aim is to explore the impact we have on our surrounding space. 

The above images are prints by Tapies. I looked at his prints because there is an evident spatial quality in  his pieces. His use of colour and shape highlight the space on the canvas,
The above print is 'Retroactive' by Robert Rauschenburg. I like the idea of collage and print used together, I think they produce a really nice finish, more interesting than simple represntations of images. Richard Hamilton was another print maker I looked at, he also used collage in his works. Very Very cool stuff. >>>>

Another artist I looked at when I started brain storming the new brief was Nicole Natri, I just found her yesterday, she is a contemporary collage artist and I couldn't pick anything more appropriate than her collages. Her work is all about spatial quality, the space you feel in an image, the space between images and objects and subjects. This space causes visual tension in an image, the images she inserts into her collages play off each other. 

Another artist who's work I thought was in some ways similar to Natri's is Jorge Chamorro Ortiz. Here's some of his bits;
And one final piece of inspiration is Irish artist Una Gildea's 'Tales of Seduction'.

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