Thursday 3 May 2012

painting elective

These are tonal studies I painted during this elective, In the lower brown paintings I only used the three primary colours and in the higher orange-blue paintings I created a tonal scale from warm to cold and depending on the distance of the object in my still life I painted the closer, clearer pieces warm and the further away and less defined, cold. When painting these the idea was to learn about how to execute tone with blending or mixing of colours, so we had to paint in blocks of clean unmixed colour, doing our best to mix on the pallette and not the page. I experimented with painting using a card which I found alright, ok to execute quick line drawings but not great for detail for me anyway, a palette knife which i really enjoyed, it was all about layering up the paint and texture and has a really nice finish, and then just a standard paint brush. The bottom images are my compositional studies.

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