Tuesday 8 November 2011

What's on your mind?

I wanted to think of a metaphore for the brain, so my work would be a little less literal. So I brainstormed through the brain.. What's in the mind of a 19 year old girl, my memories, loves, fears, worries, pressures and reliefs. With this I mapped out what was on my mind. I liked the idea of the brain as a map or a labrynth, which brought me back to the idea of optical illusions and M.C Escher.

I came to the conclusion that I am an open book. My thoughts, worries, fears, hopes are on my sleeve. So for a few days I recorded all my thoughts in a little notebook. Every random word or ramble that came into my head. I got a book and covered the original words with masking tape, and obliterating all the original works by writing my recordings over it. 

  My tutors liked this idea, and suggested I move forward with this. I enjoyed it and I like the concept so I think I will try and continue with it by recording the movement in my brain, all my thoughts and ideas.

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