Tuesday 11 October 2011

Brainworks II

The idea if the brain always moving and all inter-connected made me think of cogs and gears. If one part of the brain were to stop working, the whole thing would also stop.

 Thinking of the brain and all the nerves, and the electro-chemical conduction, reminded me of electrical wires, and like a light bulb circuit, its a continuous flow of electric current, a bit like the continuous blood flow in our brains. The system of wires connecting the whole brain like a web, then, made me think of the root system of a tree. Similar to your brain, you have the tree on top, where all the magic happens, and underneath, hidden away, is the root system, working all the time, pumping nutrients around, keeping the tree alive, the same way our veins are always pumping a constant blood flow to keep us alive.

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