Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Brainworks I

Before I continued on with movement in optical illusions, I sidetracked onto how we process these illusions. The use of our eyes and brain and CNS to gather the messages of what we see and carry them to the mind to be recognized. I saw movement here because the messages that recorded what we saw were constantly moving, from stimulus to receptor by sensory neurons to the CNS and back by motor neurons.

There is a constant path of movement here because our brain is always working and always moving. Brains process everything we see. Optical illusions must be processed here. We see something and our brain works very hard to try and understand it, and with a lot of optical illusions there is no real answer so our brain produces visual movement even though it isn't there.
Playing with the idea of nerve cells and synapses and dendrites.

I began taking a closer look at the brain itself, and how it works. I looked at nerve cells and all the different parts of the Central Nervous System because here, is where the movement of the world is recorded and processed and this brain is what controls our own movement and where we go and how we go and why we go. So I began more interested in the movement of the brain. All the movement in the brain is based on electro-chemical conduction ( transfer of particles).
A typical nerve cell

 I thought about the idea of the dendrites which connect the nerve cells together, and how they look similar to a web, branching off, all interconnected, which led me to think about the brain as a web, all the parts are connected so I made a spiders web from string and labeled it, mapping out the different parts of the brain.

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