These are some images of his work Iparticulary like;
These are some images from my first sketch book, they are just little sketches I began with before proeprly looking into his works;
Marden will create a layer of pattern and then either erase it or use a light wash and begin another layer until it builds up. When using the charcoal I would erase and draw, erase and draw until I built up a heavy system of lines.
With these paintings I began with charcoal, moved onto acrylic paint, I used a light wash over these lines and teh last layer was ink.
The following images were me working out his use of shapes and lines, I drew with a freer hand than I normally would, from a distance with a long brush and I allowed my hand tomake mistakes, It was similiar to 'bringing teh dog for a walk' when you were younger.
These are my finished pieces;
This was a really rushed photo so some of it's missing :)^^
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